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Face the sun

My new cat Kaya finding her own sunshine. "You couldn't have strength without weakness, you couldn't have light without dark, you couldn't have love without loss." ~ Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle I've always loved sunflowers. They're bright and cheerful. They stand tall and proud. From what I understand, as one without a green thumb, they're pretty hardy crops, growing even in harsh conditions. Because of this, they've become a symbol of strength and resilience in life.  But one of the coolest things about sunflowers is how they follow the sun.  There's some interesting research that's been done by UC Davis trying to figure out the ins and outs of it , but one clear thing is that they appear to track the sun, turning their "face" to follow it across the sky. They seek it out in the sky. According to older research by the university , they start their days facing east and continue to move with it. "Sunflowers end up facing th...

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