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Beauty in the broken

“That is what you’re supposed to see. The beauty is in the brokenness.” ~ Justin Whitmel Earley I've gone back and forth all day about what I should post today. About if I should post today. But to not post, seems a little not right. Letting the day go without mentioning you. Goodness knows I would if you were here. We'd be celebrating our 9th anniversary tonight. We'd probably have been too broke for a fancy dinner, because we always were. Maybe we'd spring for something sit down. But since you'd have worked, I probably would have tried to make us something basic instead. You'd have probably brought home some chocolate, another unicorn, or another something simple -- I always preferred simple. I'd have had your notes all ready and posted for you. You always seemed to like them and I loved reminding you of those things I loved (still love) about you. Then, we'd have settled in and relaxed over one of our favorite shows, while I crocheted on the couch and

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