Presentation number four!

There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave. ~Dale Carnegie

So I hate giving speeches, a fact which is well-known to those who happen to be around when I discover that I have to.

However, I want to graduate and in order to that, I must give five speeches about something in the field of journalism for my internship course. Here it was, presentation number four.

This time, I was given the opportunity to speak in an insights class to some of the international students. The topic of the class was ways for students to get involved in campus activities and featured people from various campus groups. I, of course, was speaking on the newspaper and how they could join the staff.

Despite my fears and expectations, it seemed to go pretty well. The group was receptive and friendly and I even stayed and participated in some of their games!

I'm not saying that this will convince any of these students to run over here and join the newspaper staff, but at least they know it is a possibility. And that is important. Sometimes international and transfer students get lost in the shuffle, which is a problem.

It was interesting to be included in such an activity. And it gave me the opportunity to hand out newspapers, some of which left the room.

I may not be a good speaker, but at least I know there are students interested in reading our newspaper.


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